Cosgrove principal named next Elba superintendent

Ned Dale, principal of Spencerport’s Cosgrove Middle School, has been selected as the next superintendent of Elba Central School District with a starting date of November 26.
Mr. Dale has had a great impact on the Spencerport Central School District for the last 18 years – 11 of which as the principal of Cosgrove Middle School and prior to that, as an assistant principal and counselor. One of his most celebrated accomplishments was the 2017 designation for Cosgrove Middle School as a National School to Watch, which recognizes excellence in academics, developmental responsiveness, organization, and social equity.
Spencerport Superintendent of Schools Dan Milgate said, “On behalf of the Spencerport Board of Education and our greater school community, I want to thank Mr. Dale for his leadership and dedication to our district. I take pride in sharing that I hired Mr. Dale as a counselor and enjoyed our collaboration and friendship during his time in Spencerport. His passion and commitment to education benefitted our district and community for 18 years, and we wish him nothing but success in Elba.”
Mr. Dale said, “This is an amazing opportunity for me and I was truly honored to be selected to lead the Elba School District,” Dale said. “I must say that I have felt so lucky to be the principal of Cosgrove Middle School for the past eleven years. Since coming to Spencerport in 2000, I have appreciated the support of the students, community and staff. As I transition to the next chapter of my career, I want everyone to know that I will be forever grateful for the experiences and relationships that I have made while in Spencerport.”
With Mr. Dale’s formal departure, effective November 15, the superintendent will now work with the administrative team and Board of Education to begin a search process for a new principal. The district and board are committed to a smooth transition in leadership for the students and staff at Cosgrove.
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