
Narcan training offered to businesses in Hilton, Parma and Hamlin

The Hilton-Parma-Hamlin Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Hilton-Parma Drug Information & Community Education (HPDICE) to offer training in the emergency assistance of an opioid overdose, should that happen in or near any local business. Every business in the Hilton, Parma and Hamlin communities is urged to send at least one person for this training. A kit with a Narcan nasal spray will be given to everyone who completes the 30-minute training session.

Absolutely no risk is assumed by the business or any trained person in the possession of, or use of, Narcan. It has an instantaneous interruptive power only when administered to a person who is in an opioid overdose condition, whose heart and breathing has ceased. Any other use has no effect at all. The Narcan is administered through a nasal spray. No syringes or any other medication is provided.

This is an opportunity for the entire business community of Hilton, Parma and Hamlin to become a wide-spread resource as a protection defense in the face of this encroaching epidemic. A trained person is not obligated to seek out opioid overdoses or do police work of any kind. It is to be prepared to do something when a person is dying from an overdose of any opioid mix.

Three training periods will be held on Wednesday, March 6, at Parma Christian Fellowship Church, 39 Hovey Street, Hilton. The 30-minute training sessions are offered at 7:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Registering for this event will help the organizers to have enough kits on hand to distribute. There is no cost for the training or the kit.

Register online at

For information, contact HPDICE at, or the Hilton-Parma-Hamlin Chamber of Commerce at or 615-6383.

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