
Greater Churchville-Riga Chamber names community award winners

The Greater Churchville-Riga Chamber of Commerce has announced the winners of its 2018 community awards, which will be presented at its annual dinner on Thursday, April 4, at Naughton’s Johnson House. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. following social time commencing at 6 p.m.

Gary Zimmerman, of Black Creek Wildlife Station, has been selected to receive the Citizen of the Year award. He was nominated by Nicole Fornoff. In her nomination she provided the following information, “Black Creek Wildlife Station is a non-profit organization that helps rehabilitate many types of wildlife. Established in 2005 by Gary and Trish Zimmerman, Black Creek Wildlife Station is committed to the care and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Their ultimate goal is to release rehabilitated wildlife back into their natural habitat with a new lease on life and a second chance on a prosperous future. The Churchville Veterinary Hospital works closely with Black Creek Wildlife Station and together they have provided medical attention and rehabilitative care to hundreds of birds and mammals that have been returned to the wild. Gary has devoted (many) years to the care and rehabilitation of wildlife, generously giving his time and personal resources. In one case he offered an injured juvenile bald eagle supportive care, rest, and a safe place to recover. The release of the bald eagle was a very special occasion, marking his success and contributions to our community.”

Ron and Julie Michalko, owners of Lighthouse Kayak and Canoe, are receiving the Business Persons of the Year honor. Their nomination was made by Justin Knowles, which read as follows. “The owners maintain the community park near our waterfall. For years they have mowed, cleaned, and maintained not only their beautiful piece of property, but also the park near the waterfall. During the summer the owners are always out interacting with the walkers, the fishers, and the Pokémon Go players. They are always warm and welcoming. The kayak and canoe service is priceless, and it attracts people from all over to our little community. Ron and Julie are both wonderful people who truly care for their community.”

The Civic Beautification Award is going to Nancy Steedman, Paul Robinson, and the Village of Churchville. This nomination came from Sue Davis in which she said, “For their time and effort into making the Black Creek dam a focal point to draw people to the Village of Churchville. Nancy had the vision to see that the use of lights would enhance the dam and color changes could also be used to publicize different holidays. Paul had the technology to make this happen. It was a great team effort spearheaded by Nancy who had the team to make it happen.”

Lastly, Judy Johnson will be recognized as Member of the Year by the Greater Churchville-Riga Chamber of Commerce. Johnson has been a major reason for the continued success of the golf tournament sponsored by the chamber of commerce each year. She always goes above and beyond to help prepare the meal that is a big hit of the event as well as handling other duties.

Tickets for the dinner are $30 per person and may be purchased at the Riga Town offices, Churchville Village offices and Naughton’s Johnson House. The deadline to purchase tickets is Friday, March 29. No tickets will be available at the door.

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