Clarkson Bicentennial Good Neighbor Day August 24
The Town of Clarkson held it’s first meeting in April 1819, and 200 years later we pause for a day to celebrate all that is good about Clarkson. Of course there are other events that have taken place already – the dedication of the Veterans Park, the dedication of the trees at Kimball Park, donated by residents in honor of a loved one. The year will be capped off with the Umpteenth Annual Children’s Christmas Party and, new this year – the lighting of the Christmas Tree at the Stanley Pogroszewski Court House.
A debt of gratitude is owed to the Clarkson Bicentennial Committee, who worked together for nearly a year to bring this special “Bicentennial version” of the annual Good Neighbor Day to reality. The committee consists of Jackie Smith, co-chair (and Veterans Park), Anita O’Brien (Quilt Show), Charlie Cowling (Remembering Clarkson on Facebook), Mike Farrell (Tractor Pull and facilities), Bill Fine (Veterans Park), Tom Guarino (recreation and food truck), Leanna Hale (historian), Patricia Galinski (children’s play), Sharon Mattison (souvenirs and vendors), Emilio Sebastian (German dancers), Bob Viscardi (facilities), Leslie Zink (operations coordinator). We also express our gratitude to Town Board member Patrick Didas (GND street banners, Kimball Tree Dedication, parking coordinator). We thank all volunteers for their selfless dedication to the Town of Clarkson.
Join us Saturday, August 24, as Clarkson residents are joined by the greater community to play, dine, dance, and just celebrate being good neighbors everyday!
Christa L. Filipowicz
The Swift Comet 5K benefits Clarkson Historical Society
Having a historical district is a unique asset for Clarkson. There aren’t too many towns that have registered historical districts. Many people do not know about Clarkson’s rich history and the significant people that have lived in the town. I encourage anyone interested to inquire with the town historian at the Clarkson Town Hall. I think you’ll find it quite remarkable.
Like many, I must admit that l wasn’t aware or interested in the town’s history or the Clarkson Historical Society (CHS) until I wrote a grant for them as part of a final project for a class in grant writing in 2007. During that process I got to know members of the society and learned fascinating things about the town’s past and some of the people who lived here. At the time, the CHS was in the long process of restoring the historical Clarkson Academy. I then got more involved and developed an understanding of the importance of preserving our past. In this fast-paced world, with information and technology flying at us at incredible speeds, I believe it becomes that much more important. This is especially true for our children. Since completing the work on the Academy, the CHS has done a tremendous job in doing this. Children can now learn cursive writing and how school was taught right within the very same walls of the schoolhouse. With the town’s bicentennial celebration coming up next week, it would be a fantastic time to learn more about the history of where we live.
As a not-for-profit organization the historical society must rely on fund raising in order to continue its work. Eleven years ago I organized the first Clarkson Classic 5K Run/Walk. At some point due to my newfound interest in the town’s history, I asked the society if they would like to be the beneficiary of the event. A few years ago the name was changed to The Swift Comet 5K to incorporate the name of the famous astronomer, Lewis Swift, who lived on Ridge Road in Clarkson. Although I handed off the responsibilities of the race a couple of years ago, I am really happy to be a volunteer and the honorary starter this year. The race is Saturday, August 24 beginning at 8 a.m. (registration at 7 a.m. at Hafner Park or online at I’m also looking forward to heading up the kids’ fun run afterwards. I encourage all to come out and run or walk. It will be a lot of fun and the CHS can really use your support. The past is depending on it.
Sheldon Meyers

Who has lived in Clarkson the longest?
We are searching the town to see which resident has lived in Clarkson the longest. If you have information about a person that fits this description, please let us know. This person will be honored at the festival. As of right now, it looks like Helen Massar and Andy Rayburn are leading contenders – both over 80 years!
Bicentennial Quilt Show
A feature of the Bicentennial Quilt Show will be the display of a woven quilt from 1848. Supervisor Christa Filipowicz received a call from a family near Buffalo who heard about the Bicentennial and had many relatives who were residents of Clarkson – the family names included historical family names of Hoy, Moore and Nixon. One of them, Nancy Moore, created this coverlet quilt and it has been handed down through the family over the years. This past week the owner, Annette Lund, and her daughter, Wendy Ehrke, brought the quilt to the Town Hall and met with Filipowicz, quilt show coordinator Anita O’Brien, and historian Leanna Hale. Together they shared the many stories about these local families. Hale and Erke filled in some historical gaps, created new links between the families, and shared pictures and documents valuable to Clarkson’s history.
This quilt is in mint condition and will be displayed in the Stanley Pogroszewski Court House at Good Neighbor Day.