
Brockport seeks historic residential district listing

The Village of Brockport has received a New York State Certified Local Government grant of $14,840 to prepare a nomination for listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places of a historic residential district on the west side of the village. This district would complement the historic residential district on the east side of the village that was listed in 2017. 

Under tentative plans, the new district would include most structures in the area bounded by the north side of Holley Street, the south side of Centennial Avenue and the east side of Utica Street and the east side of Main Street. The east side district includes State and South Streets and Park Avenue.

The Village has contracted with Bero Architecture of Rochester to have Katie Eggers Comeau of its staff prepare the nomination. She and Virginia Bartos of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHIPO) met with members of Brockport’s Historic Preservation Board (HPB) and local property owners on August 21 to review plans for the project.

“Listing on the registers has a win-win result for property owners in the district,” explained Bill Andrews, Chair of the Board. “It places no restrictions on property owners. Once a property is listed, the National Park Service has no further involvement. However, the designation allows the owner to apply for federal and state tax credits for up to 40 percent of the cost of major renovation or remodeling on the property.”

At some point, letters will go to all property owners in the prospective district, inviting them to one or more informational meetings concerning the project. Staff members from SHIPO and Bero Architecture and members of the HPB will answer questions concerning the project. Owners will be afforded the opportunity to object to listing of the district.

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