
Heart and home; Brockport reaching out

It doesn’t take much to break a family’s heart – the death of a child, loss of a job, or a family member in a health crisis. But when a single family is hit by all three of these devastating events, it is enough to break spirits. A single call by the Brockport Interfaith Ministries to “check in” opened doors to assist a local family in need. Neighbors, local businesses, and Clergy joined together across ethnic, cultural, and religious identities to help offer a fresh start, beginning with a new coat of paint. 

“Seeing how much others struggle can really help give you a new perspective on your own life. Volunteering with complete strangers who quickly became friends was very rewarding,” says volunteer Andrew Bernard.

By simply showing up, the message is clear – you are not forgotten or alone. Knowing you are part of a caring community can work wonders for those who have fallen on hard times. It is heartwarming to know, in these times of great divisions, that people are finding common ground to act for the good of their community. 

Volunteer Ward Staubitz was happy to lend a hand to a neighbor in need. Provided photo
Volunteer Ward Staubitz was happy to lend a hand to a neighbor in need. Provided photo

Several businesses, individuals, and congregations assisted with home renovations and financial support, including: Hometown Energy, Brockport; Sherwin Williams, Brockport; Place Integrated LLC – Andrew Bernard; Beyond Yoga – Melissa Kleehammer; Lowe’s Brockport; Calm in the Chaos Interfaith Ministry – Rev. Darla Bair; Rev. Dan Brockway and a member of the Brockport First Baptist Church; Rev. Elizabeth Harden, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church; Pastor Eric Helms, Brockport United Methodist Church; Rev. Lori Staubitz, Unitarian Universalist; Rev. Nicholas Dorland, First Presbyterian Brockport; Carol Tallie and Chris Loss, Pullman Memorial Universalist Church, Albion; Ward Staubitz of Sweden; Carol Wilbur of Brockport; and Barbara Short of Hilton; and Jared Kohl.

The following words are from the homeowner, John: “I do not have the words to express my thanks! How can I ever repay you?” But it is Brockport Interfaith Ministries that is grateful to John for opening his heart and his home allowing them to continue their efforts to strengthen the bonds of community, one act at a time.

Provided information 


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