COVID-19 Update March 24, 2020
New York
78,289 Total New York State Tests, 16,739 Newly Tested
25% of all tests nationwide are being done in New York State
20,875 Positives, 5,707 New
157 Deaths
2,635 Hospitalized (13%)
621 ICU (24% of hospitalized)
United States
38,725 Total US Cases
463 Deaths
349,211 Total
15,308 Deaths
100,165 Recoveries
233,738 Pending
National Update from President Trump
•New York will be getting the emergency hospitals in Javits, Stony Brook, Westchester, and Old Westbury and will be staffed and with medical supplies.
•Waived the 25% cost that the State typically endures when FEMA is called in, the Federal Government will be taking on all of the costs.
•FDA: Drug Therapy using the three drugs that have worked with Malaria.
Tuesday conducting a trial using plasma from those who have contracted COVID-19 and have recovered. Antibodies from many people who have self resolved being used to help those currently struggling.
State Update from Governor Cuomo
•Density control is still an issue.
•Closing non essential businesses or asking businesses to work from home, social distancing.
•Greatest issue is New York City, Governor has asked the Mayor to present a plan, due today, for reducing density in open areas like parks, especially among young people.
•In 10 days, New York State has gone from testing 1,000 people per day to now testing 16,000 per day “Doing more testing than anyone,” said Cuomo.
•Mandatory order in place from the state to hospitals to increase capacity by 50%, hoping to eventually increase to 100%. Increase to 50% is only around 75,000 extra beds which is less than the Governor projects will be needed. There is an effort to reach out to the entire retired medical community asking them to come to state service in this time.
Monroe County Update from County Executive Bello
•Towns are advised to close playgrounds and to, “Close down areas where people can congregate and spread germs.”
•FoodLink will be looking to create food distribution sites in various towns. They are reaching out in the coming days to locations they would like to have as sites.
• The County has a large shipment of the New York State produced hand sanitizer available for first responders and other government agencies.
Update from County Commissioner of Public Health Dr Mendoza
•Contact tracing is ongoing, making sure anyone who has been in contact with infected is notified and screened.
•There are plenty of testing kits, the problem is in the processing of the tests. The majority can be done locally for the vulnerable and for our healthcare workers. Others are outsourced which is taking a while.
•Obviously we want more immediate results for vulnerable and to help clear healthcare workers so then can go back to protecting our community.
•The most important way to treat this is isolation at home and self recover without spreading.
•The hospitalization rate is a better gauge of how burdensome this will be on our medical system.
•Considering releasing “Maps” of the infected in Monroe County. However he doesn’t want people to see that their zip code has no one and think its ok to go hang out at the playground. Likewise he doesn’t want anyone to overreact to having infected in their zip code.
•Finding many links to how/why people are getting infected by each other. There are some cases where they can’t find a link other than basic community spread.
•Must consider that all of us MAY have been exposed so that we take the precautions we need to take around our vulnerable population of loved ones.
•The reason we haven’t reported recoveries yet is that it has been too soon to clear them. Remember that the students quarantined at SUNY Brockport are just being released and they were here before our first case.
•Was on the phone with local hospitals working with them to come up with a plan for expanding beds and ICU units as per the Governor’s directive.
•Plastic, Stainless Steel and other metal and harder surfaces COULD spread the virus, but the virus is easily killed by, “Good old fashioned soap.”
•Not easily transmitted on paper, cardboard or fabric everything he has read says it is very unlikely to transmit the virus through those softer surfaces.
Update from Congressman Morelle
•Emphasizing the critical importance of staying home.
•No Agreement right now on a 3rd wave of stimulus funds; including Wage Replacement and Unemployment for families, as well as critical support for healthcare system, and local governments.
•Continuing to work out deferrals for debt payments for mortgages and other forms of debt.
•Working on longer term stimulus plan.
Information provided by Legislator Michael Zale