COVID-19 Update – March 25, 2020

New York State
91,270 Total Tested, 12,906 Newly Tested
All Eight Counties in New York now have cases
United States
25,665 Cases, 210 Deaths
3,234 Hospitalized, 756 ICU patients
387,382 Total, 16,767 Deaths, 101,987 Recoveries, 268,628 Pending
New York State Govenor Cuomo Update
Governor Cuomo, “Not encouraging news.” The rate of cases doubles every three days. New estimation, 140,000 hospital beds will be needed, rather than 110,000, 40,000 ICU beds as opposed to the 30,000 projected. We are NOT flattening the curve. The projection is now that the Apex of our curve is 14-21 days away.
•New York City will have a plan in place by noon 3/25/20 to reduce street density, close businesses and increased testing.
•Trying Drug Therapy starting today. Trying DOH Plasma Injection from antibodies taken from people who have recovered from COVID-19. Also testing individuals for these antibodies. The theory is that these people have an immunity to COVID-19 for a period of time and maybe we can give that to some of our medical personnel to provide immunity.
•Now have 7,000 additional ventilators, 30,000 are needed.
•Trying an experimental ventilator option by splitting the ventilator to to service two people.
•FEMA sending 400 Ventilators.
Monroe County Executive Bello Update
•Starting 3/25/20 at the 4pm release, a “heat map” will be included indicating where the most pressing areas in Monroe County are. This shouldn’t give a false sense of security. There are still MANY people who have the virus but have not been tested or confirmed at this time. There are community spread cases in Monroe County, so regardless we need to use Universal Precautions.
•Working with the Chamber of Commerce, asking for donations for supplies. If there are local manufacturers who can MAKE some of the supplies, we are working on the guidelines to be able to make those supplies.
•Plans on when we will get back to our life, to school? It all depends on how well we do with social distancing, slowing the spread, and cutting the curve. Healthcare system needs to be able to maintain and the number of hospitalizations and ICU is manageable for now.
•IMPORTANT: Remind young people in the community that even though they are probably going to be fine but that they can pass it along to their grandparents and other people in vulnerable situations.
•Closing dorm at SUNY Brockport that was housing quarantined students, Dr. Heidi McPherson donating all left over supplies to Monroe County. She thanked the Brockport Community, “For being the first community to step up and help out.”
County Commissioner of Public Health Dr. Mendoza Update
•Heat Maps are meant to continue to show transparency. But it only shows confirmed cases and doesn’t show people who have it, don’t know it, and haven’t been tested. So, the main point is that it is everywhere and continue to take precautions as such.
•Contact tracing is used to go back in time to see where they contracted the virus but also to look ahead to see who these people came into contact with and see if those people might contract in the future.
•Contact tracing is based on the premise that everyone is staying home and staying in isolation/quarantine because there is NO way to keep tabs on everyone. The vast majority of people have been cooperative and the quarantine is a precaution, but is necessary to slow the spread.
•Working with hospitals to predict potential capacity. Grateful for the support from the medical community who have been exceptional in these efforts. Lots of volunteerism in our community as well which makes him proud and filled with admiration.
Information provided by Legislator Michael Zale