Diagnostic Clinic offers support for the growing season

After being shuttered for two weeks, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County is reopening the Diagnostic Clinic at Cornell Cooperative Extension, on a part-time basis, as an essential support to growing fruits and vegetables, as well as ornamentals.
Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this unique service as not all counties have a diagnostic clinic. Liz Berkeley, Clinic Diagnostician, has staffed the clinic for the past 20 years. With her vast knowledge and experience, she can help with soil samples or pest identification and treatment – weeds, insects, and diseases. CCE-Monroe is here to help gardeners get the most out of their growing experiences.
Samples may be dropped off at the office, 2449 St. Paul Boulevard, Rochester. There are forms and envelopes available on the south porch, which is alongside the driveway. All samples must be prepaid with cash or by check. Payment may be placed in the mail slot in the door to the office. Checks may be made payable to CCE-Monroe. The Diagnostic Clinic’s phone number is 753-2553.
As we all learn to function under COVID-19 regulations, CCE-Monroe encourages you to get outside and consider growing something new this year. It’s a perfect salve for anxious times.
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