COVID 19 Update April 17

For the all the latest Local information on COVID-19 including:
•Number of Positive Cases by County
•A Map of Confirmed Cases
•Related News Articles
•Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
•A COVID-19 Guide
New website to provide New York’s Comprehensive COVID-19 Testing Data to the public.
From the Governor April 17, 2020
New formula to determine numbers is a net 3-day average.
New Hospitalizations 1,914
ICU Patient Admissions – -32
Intubations – -73
Deaths in Nursing Homes – 40, in Hospitals 590
Deaths in New York – 630 New Deaths±
•Adopt – Do No Harm – by controling infection, strengthening health care, and test/trace. To test and trace we need federal partnership.
Response to Crisis – People’s actions have flattened the curve. We must bring down the infection rate and ramp up the hospital system.
To Un-Pause – we must have a plan for re-opening including do no harm, testing and tracing and stabilize finances.
Testing is a major challenge. Issued an executive order directing all public and private labs in NYS to coordinate with Dept. of Health to ensure prioritizing of diagnostic testing for public health and restarting economy.
•Need Federal partnership to ramp up testing. Need Federal financial support to stabilize economy and perform re-opening functions.
•Re-Opening has been left up to the states. The National Governor’s Association has publicly requested 500 Billion in Federal funding for states, allocated according to need.
What You Need to Know
- Schools and nonessential businesses will stay closed through May 15th.
- Governor Cuomo issued executive orders 202.17 and 202.18 requiring all people in New York to wear masks or face coverings in public, including when taking public or private transportation or riding in for-hire vehicles.
- Governor Cuomo issued an executive order directing all NYS public and private labs to coordinate with DOH to prioritize diagnostic testing.
- An awareness campaign encourages low-income New Yorkers to claim their Economic Impact Payments under the CARES Act.
- An executive order directs employers to provide essential workers with masks free of charge to wear when interacting with the public.
- A blueprint to un-PAUSE New York will be implemented in coordination with other regional states to get people back to work and ease social isolation without triggering renewed spread of the virus.
- New COVID-19 testing facilities are opening downstate, primarily in minority communities. Find testing site locations and hours or operation.
- New Yorkers who have recovered from COVID-19 are encouraged to donate blood. Here’s information on how to donate.
- New Yorkers without health insurance can apply through NY State of Health through May 15, 2020; must apply within 60 days of losing coverage.
- New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling.
- Testing is free for all eligible New Yorkers as ordered by a health care provider.
- Your local health department is your community contact for COVID-19 concerns.