Local Doctor having success in treating Covid-19 patients

Dr. Alex Fahoury, primary care physician at Brockport Vine Medical, was planning for the Grand Opening of his new Brockport practice to take place at the end of March. As the pandemic hit New York State his plans had to abruptly change.
Dr. Fahoury prepared to help treat patients affected by the pandemic especially those at high risk. He has over 25 years experience in treating complex medical diseases especially among high risk groups such as geriatric patients and those with respiratory issues, high blood pressure and diabetes. The staff at Vine Medical postponed the Grand Opening and quickly transitioned to provide acute, preventative and routine care via telemedicine to both existing and new patients.

In the past two weeks Dr. Fahoury has treated four patients diagnosed positive with Coivd-19 via telemedicince. A 70 year old Hamlin man was confirmed positive early April and according to Dr. Fahoury has since made a full recovery. Vine Medical treated a local 47 year old woman who has compromised respiratory health caused from smoking and COPD. Dr. Fahoury was able to treat her 100% via telemedicine closing monitoring her especially her breathing. “My goal is to try to manage their symptoms and help them get through the virus in the comfort of their home when ever possible,” he said. He also treated two other Covid-19 patients, middle age men, one being his own brother. All four patients have made full recoveries.
Dr. Fahoury offers tips to the community on how to keep your immune system strong on his Brockport Vine Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/vinemedicaloffice/videos/670152583768717/.