Street Machines of Rochester Cancels Outdoor Show

It is with great sadness that I will be pulling the plug on the Street Machines of Rochester’s 46th Annual Outdoor Show. With all the uncertainty of what the new normal will be and with all the parades, festivals and carnivals being cancelled for this year, I cannot in good conscious continue to expect that we could do it. We do not know what the new normal will be after May 15th and I would think the social distancing of some sort will still be in place. I do not want to risk our member’s or the public’s health.
I would like to put our efforts into making next year a bigger and better show. Maybe at some point this year, when possible, we could do some sort of “Cruise In” to bring everyone together.
Again, it is with great regrets, but I feel we as a club need to be responsible citizens and not put anyone at risk.
Richard Windhauser, Outdoor Show Chairman