Employer verification letters required for essential workers to obtain free child care scholarships

Essential workers who are eligible for free child care scholarships must get a letter verifying their employment, but that is not happening as quickly as needed.
Child Care Council Inc., a nonprofit administering the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Child Care Scholarships in Monroe, Livingston and Wayne counties, called on area employers to return the signed letters as soon as possible, to expedite the process. The pre-written letter requires an employer to simply fill in their company name, employee name, signature, and date.
The Council uses the signed verification letter and other information to establish that an individual is an essential employee. Council staff also works with applicants to help identify a participating child care program or with their current registered or licensed child care provider. Eligible essential employees can apply for a scholarship by contacting Child Care Council at CARES@childcarecouncil.com or 654-4720.
“During this health crisis, essential employees are doing a tremendous service to our community and often times putting their lives at risk,” said Barbara-Ann Mattle, CEO, Child Care Council Inc. “The CARES Child Care Scholarship will ensure that their children are cared for while they are at work. We just need employers to sign and return a brief letter to verify their employment.”
To qualify, families of eligible workers must have an adjusted gross income at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty level, which amounts to an annual income of $78,600 for a family of four. New York state is using a portion of federal CARES Act funding to provide free child care for eligible essential workers.
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