Eric, Erica and Lady, Peyton, and Tyler Meister, from Chili, at Braddock's Bay Marina. The Meister's bought their new boat during COVID-19 pandemic to give them something to do while things are closed.
Photos by Karen Fien
Brockport residents, Blake and Will Roman fishing on Long Pond try to get out fishing as often as they can.
Left to Right: Kathy Nelms (Greece Athena Middle School Special Education Teacher); Abigail Hilburger, 8th grade; Shaun Nelms, 7th grade; Christine Hilburger (Greece Central Substitute Teacher); Mark Hilburger (Greece Arcadia High School Math Teacher); Carolyn Hilburger (St. John Fisher Nursing Student); Alexia Nelms, 11th Grade; Nicholas Hilburger, 11th grade; Josh Keirsbilck (Nazareth College) are spending a lot of their COVID-19 freetime hiking area parks. This photo was taken at Chimney Bluffs State Park in Sodus, New York. Christine Hilburger said, “Since we are not working and our children are home we have been able to spend a lot of quality time together doing things that normally wouldn’t fit into our busy schedules. We have been enjoying our time together.”
Dan & Jordon Mitchell from Hilton, enjoy kayaking on Braddock’s Bay.
Mike Schultz, from Hilton, enjoying an afternoon fishing on Braddock’s Bay.
Kayla, Eva and Sarah hiking in Greece Canal Park.
Nicara and Derrick Martin, of Greece, bicycling in Greece Canal Park.
RG&E Employees having dinner at Jim’s Ground. They were happy to enjoy their dinner outside.