MCSBA selects 2020-2021 officers

During the 2020 Monroe County School Boards Association (MCSBA) Annual Meeting, which was conducted online, members elected officers for the 2020-2021 year. Amy Jo Thomas (Pittsford) was elected President; Gary Bracken (Spencerport), Vice President; and John Abbott (BOCES 2), Treasurer. Kathy Dillon (BOCES 2, Churchville-Chili) will serve as Past President.
Amy Jo Thomas was first elected to the Pittsford Board of Education in 2013. She served as co-chair of the 2016-2017 MCSBA Information Exchange Committee and has served on the Association’s Executive Committee as president of her board.
Gary Bracken was first elected to the Spencerport School Board in 2010 and served a term as its president. He has served MCSBA as co-chair of the Information Exchange Committee for two years and the Labor Relations Committee for two years, from 2016 to 2020.
John Abbott was a member of the Hilton Board from 1984 to 1993, and has served on the Monroe 2 – Orleans BOCES Board since 1994. He has been the MCSBA Treasurer since 2002; before that he served a term as co-chair of the Labor Relations Committee.
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