Sweden proposes Gary Drive extension

On May 31, 2018, the Town of Sweden met with the New York State Department of Transportation to formally request the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Route 31 and Sherry Lane. The town was armed with 50 letters of support from residents of Sweden Village and a willingness to expend town funds to make the important safety improvement. Seven months later the town received a written response denying the traffic light. This was not the first time the NYS DOT had turned down the town’s request for a traffic light there; it had been requested several times in the past.
In the letter of denial, the DOT recommended the extension of Gary Drive to Route 31 as a viable means of providing traffic-light controlled access from Sweden Village onto Route 31. Gary Drive was designed to be extended from its current terminus eastward to Owens Road with future residential development.
Sweden explored the possibility of extending Gary Drive to Owens Road, but the property owner was not interested in providing an easement across that portion of the land. In addition, the cost was much higher due to the necessity of a bridge over a stream and wetlands.
In July 2019, the town was notified of NYS DOT plans to perform $5 million worth of improvements on Route 31, from Route 19 to just west of Salmon Creek Road during 2021-2022. The details of the improvements were not made available at the time. The town did learn that “improvements” to the traffic light at the intersection of Route 31 and the entrance to Walmart might be included. This is the traffic light to which the NYS DOT suggested Gary Drive be extended.
This spring, Sweden learned of a new funding opportunity for infrastructure projects. Knowing that it would be an extremely competitive pool of money, and with a very short submission period, Sweden submitted two applications: one was for funding for the Gary Drive extension. The Gary Drive extension was awarded $175,500 – the largest award given in this funding pool. The owners of the property were contacted and they have offered to give the town a permanent easement across the property.
The Sweden Town Board believes that circumstances have come together to give the town the unique opportunity to provide Sweden Village access to Route 31 at a traffic-light controlled intersection. It may not be the intersection that most residents prefer (Sherry Lane), but it is likely the only intersection at which the NYS DOT will ever permit traffic-controlled access. It is also more cost effective than extending Gary Drive to Owens Road. Finally, it may also be the only opportunity to receive federal funding for the project and to time it with the Route 31 improvements that the NYS DOT will be doing.
The Town Board will hold a public information meeting with representatives from the NYS DOT and town engineering firm to answer questions and receive feedback on the proposed project. The meeting will be held at the Sweden/Clarkson Community Center gymnasium, 4927 Lake Road on Tuesday, August 18, at 7 p.m.
COVID-19 presents a challenge to hold a large public meeting. Those in attendance are asked to wear masks. Chairs will be set up in accordance with social distancing protocols. Those not able to attend are invited to share comments by emailing supervisor@townofsweden.org. Letters were mailed to all Sweden Village residents with a questionnaire that may be returned to: Supervisor, Sweden Town Hall, 18 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420. For more information, call the Supervisor’s office at 637-7588.
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