NYS 4-H hosts STEM event

The New York State 4-H Program is offering a STEM workshop, “Hour of Code,” in partnership with code.org. This hour-long Zoom session will instruct youth ages seven to 12 in the creation of a game in Scratch on their home computer, laptop, or mobile device. The workshop will take place beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 29.
Hour of Code is, according to code.org, “an introduction to computer science, designed to demystify ‘code’ and show that anyone can learn together the basics to be a maker, a creator, an innovator!” NYS 4-H is committed to providing tomorrow’s leaders in STEM; 4-H programs use hands-on activities to teach problem solving, creative and critical thinking, and build excitement for science, technology, engineering, and math.
The 4-H National Council recognizes the importance of STEM programming and states, “There is a tremendous need for young people to know how to create technology, not just consume it. This is true across every industry, and that’s why 4-H computer science programs help prepare youth for college and career by teaching technical programming skills in languages like Scratch, Python, and Java alongside essential life skills like problem solving, teamwork, and resiliency.”
Monroe County 4-H invites youth to access this workshop, and discover their passion for STEM activities, specifically computer science. The link to register for the Zoom session is https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAocO2opzMrHt1yc_lL8o-tF97dVtmEcyp4. The Monroe County 4-H program offers STEM and Agriculture programs in classrooms throughout the county, in addition to community outreach through programs like “Mighty Mondays” and, this summer, themed weeks. Many of these programs have become virtual through social media and Zoom, given the current national health crisis.
Monroe County will host “STEM-stravaganza” Week from Sunday, August 2 through Saturday, August 8. The week’s activities will focus on STEM challenges, STEM facts and careers, and building 4-H friendships through virtual youth interaction. The activities for the week will be communicated through email and Facebook, and while registration is not required, it is encouraged so youth may receive email notifications, special perks, and possibly prizes for participation.
To register for STEM-stravaganza Week, sign-up at https://pub.cce.cornell.edu/event_registration/main/events_landing.cfm?event=2020_STEM_stravaganza_226.
The Monroe County 4-H Program is offered through Cornell Cooperative Extension to the youth of Monroe County. Learn more at http://monroe.cce.cornell.edu/4-h-youth-development.
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