
CDR helps Rochester Rookies purchase racing wheelchairs

The Center for Disability Rights (CDR) received a $500 grant from the Rochester Area Community Foundation, through the Yates Community Endowment Fund. The funds will be allocated toward the purchase of racing wheelchairs. 

Over its 45-year history, the Rochester Rookies has provided a structured, character-building leadership experience to youth with physical, learning, and developmental disabilities, through participation in track and field training and competitions. It is dedicated to enhancing the quality of lives by teaching athletic skills, fostering independence, building character, and helping families realize their child’s full potential through programs, advocacy, and services. 

The Rochester Rookies promotes independence for young individuals with all types of disabilities, aligning with the mission and vision of CDR, a disability-led, not-for-profit corporation. CDR provides services to people with disabilities and seniors within the framework of an Independent Living Model, and advocates for their full integration, independence, and civil rights. Additional information is available at

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