
Sweden to appoint committee to study existing neighborhood traffic

For the past several months, Sweden Village residents have expressed concerns regarding existing traffic issues in their neighborhood. The Sweden Town Board has decided to form a committee of Sweden Village residents to study the issues and make recommendations to the board. The recommendations could include things like additional stop signs, pedestrian or warning signs, speed bumps or cushions, changed speed limits, raised crossings, sidewalks, requests for increased law enforcement patrols, etc.

Councilperson Randy Hoke will chair the committee. Hoke is a resident of Sweden Village and retired sheriff’s deputy. Other experts from law enforcement, planning, transportation, and emergency services agencies may be asked to participate in committee discussions as needed. The board intends to appoint a cross-section of Sweden Village residents so that each distinct area within the large subdivision will be represented.

Those interested in serving on the committee should send a letter of interest or an email to Supervisor Kevin Johnson, 18 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420 or Letters of interest should be sent by November 30.

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