
Napier steps down as Chairman of the Monroe County Republican Committee

Monroe County Republican Chairman Bill Napier announced that he has stepped aside from his position as Monroe County Republican Committee but will continue to assist Republican efforts locally and in his new capacity as Finger Lakes Regional Finance Vice-Chair with the New York State Republican Committee.

“Since becoming Monroe Chairman, it has been an honor to work on behalf of the Republican ideals of lowering taxes, eliminating onerous regulatory burdens, and smaller government that is responsive to the people it serves,” said Napier. “However, it is clear that the challenges facing us as a party, especially during the current pandemic, have given rise to the need for a fresh approach and new leadership at the Monroe County Republican Committee. I’m pleased that Town of Chili Leader Bernie Iacovangelo has agreed to take on the challenge of leading our party going forward.”

Napier previously served as Assistant Monroe County Executive under several administrations and has extensive federal, state, and local government and political experience. His previous roles include Monroe County Communications Director, Chief of Staff of the Majority Caucus for the Monroe County Legislature, and positions in several Congressional offices and presidential campaigns.

“I want to thank Bill Napier for his service to the Monroe County Republican Committee,” said Iacovangelo. “We have much work to do, and it is my commitment to provide our party and candidates the tools they require for success. The Monroe County Republican Committee is a team, drawing from hundreds of volunteers and supporters to accomplish our shared goal of good government for the people of Monroe County.”

Bernie Iacovangelo, in addition to his leadership of the Chili Republican Committee, is an attorney and the co-founder and President of Faber Builders Inc. 

Iacovangelo will serve as acting Chairman of the Republican Committee pending official confirmation at a Convention of the County Committee convention within the next 45 days.

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