Sweden’s new water district is out to bid

The Lake Road/Redman Road/Countryview Terrace water district went out to bid on January 4. The Town of Sweden will hold a pre-bid meeting with plan holders (contractors who have purchased the bid documents) on January 26 prior to opening the bids on February 2. The board expects to award a contract on February 9. Construction will likely start in late March or April. The $4.3 million project will bring public water to more than 130 properties that currently lack access.
The water district is made possible through a $2.3 million grant and $2 million low-interest loan through Rural Development. It is the largest infrastructure project ever undertaken in the Town of Sweden’s history. Installation is expected to be complete in October 2021, with some final seeding and lawn restoration to take place in the spring of 2022.
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