Sweden awards water district bid

The Town of Sweden awarded the Lake/Redman/Countryview Water District construction bid to Villager Construction, Inc. for a cost of $3,487,900. The project will bring public water to more than 130 properties in the town and is funded by a Rural Development grant of $2,327,000 (which district property owners do not have to repay) and a Rural Development low-interest loan of $2,000,000 (which property owners will pay back over 38 years). The grant to loan ratio is one of the highest awarded by Rural Development.

Construction is likely to begin in late March or early April with water line installation complete in November. Restoration work will be completed in the spring of 2022. In a few weeks, residents will receive information from both the Town of Sweden and the Monroe County Water Authority regarding the next steps and the procedure for signing up for public water.
“This district formation is a major accomplishment for the town for several reasons,” said Supervisor Kevin Johnson. “It is the first time that the town was able to qualify for a Rural Development financing package. The bids came in under budget despite the need for significant rock removal that other local towns do not face. We were also able to push through approvals from several government agencies that have been largely shuttered due to COVID. The Town Board, the engineering and finance teams have done an exemplary job with a project that is the largest infrastructure project in the town’s history.”
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