
COVID-19 Update February 17

For the latest Monroe County COVID-19 information visit monroe county coronavirus

For New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution information visit


  • Keep your circle of contacts small. Lower your risk of exposure to COVID-19, even during the holidays.
  • When you are around others, stay 6 feet apart and wear your mask.
  • If you’re sick, stay home! Don’t go to work or  school. Get tested and isolate until you know your results.
  • If you have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, stay home and away from others for 14 days. 
  • Download the COVID-19 Alert NY app and get private COVID-19 exposure alerts. 

From Governor Cuomo February 17, 2021
What You Need to Know

  • Visit to get the facts on the COVID-19 Vaccine in New York.
  • The new COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Dashboard will update New Yorkers on the distribution of the vaccine including the number of doses received by the state, a breakdown of first or second doses, and the number of persons vaccinated with the first and second doses in each region.
  • Micro-Cluster Strategy is addressing COVID-19 hot spots that have cropped up across the state.
  • The Open Enrollment Period for uninsured New Yorkers has been extended through May 15, 2021. New Yorkers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health or directly through insurers.
  • If you have been on quarantine due to contact with someone known to have COVID-19:
    • a negative test does NOT release you from quarantine.
    • It is essential to wait 10 days full days to make sure that no infection appears, even if you have no symptoms, before being released from quarantine.
    • Quarantine should last 10 days from the last exposure to a person with known COVID-19.
    • In addition, you should continue to monitor yourself for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 for up to 14 days after that last exposure. 
    • If you have any questions about your period of quarantine, please call your Local Health Department.
  • moratorium on residential evictions is now in place until May 1, 2021 for tenants who have endured COVID-related hardship. 
  • Indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences are limited to no more than 10 people. 
  • New travel guidelines are in effect that allow out-of-state travelers to “test out” of the mandatory 10-day quarantine. 
  • To report violations of health and safety restrictions and requirements for businesses, gatherings and individuals, please choose the appropriate link below:
  • Health care workers can text NYFRONTLINE to 741-741 to access 24/7 emotional support services. Any New Yorker can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling.

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