Sweden has a new deputy supervisor

Following the retirement of Robert Muesebeck, Supervisor Kevin Johnson has appointed Councilperson Patricia Hayles to the office of deputy supervisor. Hayles has been a Sweden Town Board member for more than three years and serves as the liaison to the Seymour Library and the Sweden/Clarkson Community Center.
Some of her initiatives include a recreation survey in collaboration with Clarkson Supervisor Christa Filipowicz and former Clarkson Councilperson Jackie Smith, the re-cladding of the Community Center gymnasium, and a partnership with URMC to bring healthy living programs to the Community Center.
In addition, Hayles worked diligently on the Seymour Library’s request for proposal for a consultant study and the recently enacted tri-municipal memorandum of understanding. “Patty has a great work ethic and has taken a leadership position on several projects and issues,” said Supervisor Kevin Johnson, “I believe she will do a tremendous job as deputy supervisor.”
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