Sweden Town Board takes several actions

The Sweden Town Board has placed a moratorium on new solar farm and commercial solar project applications and is contemplating moratoria on wind energy conversion systems and battery energy storage systems. The board would like to standardize decommissioning requirements for the three types of projects and is also considering some other changes to each of the three sections of the Sweden Town Code. A committee will be convened in May and the board does not contemplate the amendments to require the full six months-time period normally set for moratoria. Public hearings on the new moratoria for battery storage systems and wind energy systems will be held concurrently on May 25 at 6 p.m.

At its April 27 meeting, the Town Board approved the rezoning of less than four acres of property near the corner of Brockport Spencerport Road and Sweden Walker Road from single Family Residence to Retail Commercial. The owner of the properties is Bentley Bros. Inc.
The Town Board will hold a public hearing on May 11 regarding a CARES Act grant application to build a new Senior Room at the Community Center. The Senior Room would facilitate social distancing, ventilation, and sanitation as a response to the COVID pandemic. That public hearing begins at 6:45 p.m.
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