
10 months and counting

First I am not discounting that there was a bite, it’s awful and it hurts, I’m very sorry she went through this. Animals are animals and bites happen. Let’s be honest here, if either of those dogs were vicious this was the perfect recipe for a mulling it would not have been a single bite and she wouldn’t have gotten away. Two dogs keyed up, adrenaline high, playing off each others energy, human on the ground, screaming and there is a single bite that turned into a tear, not because the dog grabbed the leg and shook (if that was the case she would have seen what dog did it and she did not) but because she pulled her leg away. Traumatic…..certainly, I speak from first hand experience but certainly not a reason to take the dogs life especially when you did not see it but are assuming. Egos are high, the court system has become the Ogden circus and the will to “win” has caused this living breathing animal months of suffering. There is something wrong with a world that is ok with locking an animal in a kennel and never letting it out for 10 months. Kennel stress is a very real condition and it deteriorates the physical and mental health of the animal each day while in confinement. My heart bleeds for this dog and what she has gone through in the name of our “justice system” I would suggest that her pain has far exceeded that of a single bite.
Having sat through the entire hearing I was sick watching the “games” that were played by the prosecution, what should have been a muzzle restriction and confinement to her home at best has become months of suffering, drama, and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Euthanasia was wrongly sentenced when the Ogden Courts JUST HAD a euthanasia order vacated for Brady (another Pitbull sentenced to death by Ogden) weeks earlier for misapplying the law. Judge Murante is a smart individual it is difficult to believe that he didn’t know the law and how to apply it. In my opinion he and the prosecutor hoped that the defendant wouldn’t fight and the dog would be destroyed OR that the months of confinement would kill the dog. Want to make living breathing animal/human aggressive? Lock it up for 10 months with no mental stimulation, light of day, human interaction and only meeting the basic need of food and water. There is no reason this dog can not go home where she can recover from the kennel stress unjustly caused with an order to never be in public, be confined to her home and muzzled when outside in her stockade fenced yard to live out her life with her family that loves her. No reason other than the hate in the hearts of those who oppose such a humane choice. There is an opportunity to right a wrong I hope it is taken advantage of.

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