
Gone too far…

Vanessa, sweet girl. You life changed in a flash over an “incident” that has been embellished upon and apparently fabricated, beyond belief. The “injured” party went from not knowing who actually bit them, to a malicioys, underserved vendetta in seeking your demise. What NORMAL human being enjoys intentional infliction of suffering on another living being? You have a world of love and support around you and your fur parent. We will not stop until the right thing is done and you are free, safe, healthy and back surrounded by the love you deserve. To the ones who are behind your current captivity and neglect, how do you sleep at night? How do you feel it is ok to gang up on and literally torture and animal whith ZERO history of viscious propensities? To the parties pursuing Vanessa’s demise, olease tell us, what will it take to get you to stop and set her free?? Let her live a long, beautiful, healthy, happy life, full of love?? There has to be something you will agree to, to let this community rescue her. Please come to reason and let sweet Vanessa free. This has all gotten so out of hand. Vanessa, her people and even the judicial system, is suffering unnecessarily in this. Please……PLEASE let her go home to her family so all of you can heal and move on.

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