
Let Vanessa go home!

This whole situation is messed up! Most dogs get at least more then 1 chance after bitting someone for the first time. It’s usually a 10 day hold to make sure they don’t have rabbies. This judge and town does not fallow this protocol! This judge and town are bias against the bully breed!

They keep her locked away from family and meds and don’t socialize her at all! She came from an abusive situation before her current owner. If she has become more aggressive it’s because she’s being treated like a wild animal! I would love to see those whom are against this breed survive in a cage and be treated like wild animals just so they get the concept of what they are doing to this poor baby!

I was present and standing next to the owner when the other party came out of a private meeting they were legally not allowed to do or have without Jeremy and his Attorney present! This whole case should have never gone back to Ogden courts! Their lawyer that misrepresenting them (bite victim) is also not following process. He signed a paper he never should have stating he was Jeremy’s lawyer going behind a county court judge trying to force the euthanization of poor Vanessa! Look at all the statistics this town is the only town to put dogs all bully breed Mixes of some sort to sleep!
This is unjust and not right! Jeremy’s child counts on Vanessa for emotional support and for medical needs! FREE VANESSA!

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