
Please Free Vanessa the dog

My heart is broken from reading about the inhumane treatment of Vanessa. For a bite that may or may not have happened, she has been taken from her family, put in a kennel for 10 months, not able to see anyone, and sits only for a sentence of death. This is not right and makes no sense. If she did bite, then the court should have appointed a trainer and for 10 months she could have been learning more and getting over fears. But honestly, I do not believe she bit, I believe because of her breed type(which is one of the sweetest breeds out there) she was sought after to be terminated.
Please free Vanessa, let her see her family and feel love again. She deserves a chance at life and maybe the court could order a trainer to come, rather than death. I pray everyday for her family and for Vanessa to feel love in her current situation. She is a sweet dog and deserves the chance at a wonderful life.

I wonder how many other dogs in this town have been terminated for a behavior that could have been trained out of them. If a dog does bite, it usually is do to fear. Just like humans dogs are afraid of certain things, the way to help them get through their fears is with love, time, and patience. Please be more compassionate to animals and think about second chances and training dogs, rather than killing them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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