

I find the court case about Vanessa the dog extremely disturbing. This poor dog has been suffering for almost a year now. It’s unfortunate that a woman was bit by a dog, as it would be if anyone was. However, without proof that Vanessa was the dog that hit her, she should be released immediately. There is a reason why people are innocent until proven guilty. If someone with a blue Ford pick up truck hit my car, I could just go to anyone with a blue Ford pick up truck and blame them. If I saw someone steal something from a store, but couldn’t remember who did it, I couldn’t just accuse anyone who was in the store of stealing. The town of Ogden as well as all officials should be held accountable for what has been allowed to go on with this case. Vanessa should be released immediately, and be seen by a veterinarian and the cost of that visit as well as any illnesses and/or injuries as a result of her incarceration should be billed to the claimant and the officials holding her. Enough already, this is a senior dog, let her live her life out in peace and fair living conditions.

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