
Don’t kill an innocent

It’s clear that the nightmare Vanessa is going through is in vane, she is being used as scapegoat. They decided she was guilty from the very beginning. She is guilty of being a bully breed, and a dog who has a death sentence on them rarely can escape it, especially if treated like an object, with no feelings and needs (always caged, without love and care, without proper medical care for her disease, and it has been going on for months…).
Vanessa’s case has nothing to do with her, it belongs to the political domain, and that’s the worst scenario. Vanessa is an innocent creature trapped in the human politics system.
Almost 100.000 people already signed the petition to free Vanessa, I am one of them, and I strongly believe that she must be reunite with her owner, she did not commit any crime, and her sweet demeanor even in hellish conditions speaks more than a thounsand words. If Vanessa’s case is not political.. prove it: send her back home, alive.

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