

As I do not know either party involved nor did I witness the incident, I cannot comment on the situation. However, I can comment on the judge in this case. Over 16 years ago, a situation occurred with my dog where I was brought to court in front of this same judge. My dog was accused of running out of his invisible fence, biting a stranger that just happened to be passing by, and then running back through the invisible fence. On the court date, many of my neighbors came to say that they never saw my dog do this the entire time I lived there. The owner of Invisible Fence testified in my behalf that he trained my dog personally. And to top it all off, the complainant didn’t even show. Also, he had no proof of bite marks; only a black and blue mark on his finger. Was the case dropped? Oh,no. Why? Well that is a great question. The judge rescheduled, told my neighbors they did not have to reappear because he had their information. At the next court hearing, the “victim” showed up, had no proof but his word and won the case! Luckily, my dog’s penalty was to be locked in my house at all times except to go to the bathroom. I moved out of Ogden as soon as I could. And just another interesting point: the so-called victim was a boyfriend of a girl whose mother worked at the town and didn’t even live in the neighborhood!! I think it is time to vote this judge out!!!!

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