
Punitive and inhumane

While I don’t have an issue with dangerous dogs with extensive bite histories being humanely euthanized, this case against Vanessa seems punitive and vindictive. First, what are the incidents around the alleged bite, and what was the extent of the injury? Is there documentation? Second, is this a pattern or an off-chance accident? Third, why the removal of the dog, the inhumane treatment of her kenneling, and the inability of her “owner” to even visit her?

All of those just strikes me as an aggressive miscarriage of justice, and a town board whose actions reveal a corrupting influence. It’s time to let the dog go home, the “owner” has pledged to continued training and proper confinement (although that doesn’t seem to ever have been an issue with this dog). To hold Vanessa for this long under these conditions is cruel and inhumane.

And I want to stress my opposition to release to “sanctuary.” Reputable sanctuaries are few and far between. Vanessa has a reliable and responsible “owner” and it’s time for her to return there.

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