
She’s served her time – Free Vanessa

It is unfortunate that the jogger was bitten, but the stories from the news article interviews where the jogger gives her account, the court documents, and the research all suggests the same thing: She doesn’t know which dog bit her. Therefore, Vanessa was chosen as the suspect and put into inhumane conditions for the past 10 months. If she had been the one to bite the jogger, then this is her first bite incident, and still does not warrant the death penalty and absolutely does not deserve torture. The fact that she’s been in confinement for the past 10 months without proper treatment has been punishment enough. Now she needs rehabilitation and to be sent home to her family, just like any other first time “criminal” would be. The suggestion of murdering the dog, without 100% proof that she is the dog that bit is heartless and cruel and unjustified. People march against injustices like this all the time for fellow humans. She’s already been abused in her life and then tortured and neglected at the hands of those that hold her captive. I have read a very few stories where 2 people say that Vanessa had been aggressive on the end of her leash toward them in the past. Were those complaints ever filed or are they now hearsay since they fit the agenda for the few minutes of fame? Like I said, it is unfortunate that the jogger was bitten. I have read one account where it mentioned that the jogger turned to run away and ran into the mailbox and fell and then was kicking at the dogs in their own yard. She had also been trespassing through their yard previously which means she had already shown that she was a threat to their property in which they protect. If these dogs had intended to maul the jogger, she would not have only had one injury. This has gotten out of hand with the egos of those involved. Vanessa has served her time for the bite. It’s time to stop this madness, send her home so she can be rehabilitated. As for the jogger, I am very sorry this happened, but killing a dog that you don’t even know if it’s the one that bit you is not justice.

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