
Reunite Vanessa with her Family

Mr. Wolf has stated numerous times the measures he would take to ensure public safety as exhibited in his 8-4-20 notarized affidavit which is part of court records:
“…I have obtained a quote for installation of a fence at my residence. I am also willing to install a secondary physical barrier outside the perimeter of the fence and my home (i.e., an invisible fence) as a backup to the primary fence. I live on a large 10.5 acre wooded parcel. My home is set back a considerable distance from the public ROW with a driveway over 300 feet in length…….”

Mr. Wolf, his attorney and much of the public has asked that Vanessa be returned to her home while the case continued in order to prevent permanent mental and physical damage. A certified canine trainer was engaged to evaluate Vanessa. Murante dismissed testimony from the trainer who stated Vanessa exhibited zero signs of aggression or propensity to be aggressive. That evaluation should have been enough for Vanessa to return to a home environment.

The judge in this case as well as the prosecution, Keith O’Toole, show little understanding of animal behavior. Any animal locked up without human contact will deteriorate rapidly. This is a well
known fact. Any behavioralist, shelter worker or volunteer can speak to this. Murante claims to have public safety as his priority however, as a direct result of denying Vanessa’s release Hon. David Murante is creating a volatile situation.

Murante also claims to be an animal lover. This is especially odd as he does not seem to comprehend that every day Vanessa is locked up hastens her demise.

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