
Pitbull Bite Statistics

There are numerous studies proving bite-rate statistics for pitbulls is no different than any other breed of its size. Please look at the facts and do not focus on unfounded fear-mongering. Here is a summary of one of many such studies:

Dog bite-related Statistics (
– A 20 year study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and published by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) analyzed dog bite-related fatality (DBRF) incidents with breed data
– Over 25 breeds were associated with 238 DBRFs over 20 years
– DBRF risk rates for pitbull-type dogs are fully in-line with the risk rates of the other large or strong breeds
– The majority (72%) of DBRF in the 20 year dataset were non-pitbull type breeds
– The study rejects breed specific legislation

Vanessa is not a threat to the community. Breed bias must end. Education is key. Please see past the fear and look at the facts. Vanessa is a beautiful soul who is badly misunderstood.

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