
Monroe County Sheriff’s Office honored with Friend of Education Award

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, represented by Sheriff Todd Baxter, has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 Friend of Education Award by the School Administrators Association of New York State (SAANYS). This award is given to an individual, group, or organization that has consistently contributed to the support and advancement of outstanding public education and the students of New York State.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has implemented numerous programs designed to better serve the community, including participating in the DARE program in 17 different school districts, Teen Police Academy, Sheriff’s Summer Camp, Fatality Awareness and Crash Training program for high school students, the Cadet/Explorer program for ninth grade students, Operation Safe Child ID card program, and supplying crime prevention and school resources officers to several school districts. Wheatland-Chili CSD Secondary School Principal Eric Windover said, “Members of the Sheriff’s Office will often check-in to say ‘hello’ and work hard to be a visible presence within our school community. Deputies greet our students with a smile and are available to answer the impromptu questions that always seem to arise. Our local deputies take the time to show that they are invested in our schools and I know that I speak for my colleagues in stating that their presence and positive involvement is appreciated.”

Northside School Principal Erin Moretter commented, “Northside School has been a partner with the MCSO through the DARE Program for well over twenty years. We have enjoyed the friendship of Deputy Donald Green and Sergeant Matthew Bottone over the past years. Their enthusiasm for working with our students to help them develop positive, healthy lifelong habits is remarkable. Our students’ school experience has been enhanced through these connections and I can share that our fifth-grade students look forward to DARE each week.”

Monroe 1 BOCES Director of Safety and Security James Colt said, “The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has become a part of our community. Even beyond the school resource officer program, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has been a highly valued partner with Monroe 1 BOCES. They have always been very responsive to calls for service, and willing to work with the schools to make and support decisions that are the best interests of students. We are very thankful for the services of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.”

SAANYS represents nearly 8,000 school administrators, supervisors, and coordinators. As a professional association, SAANYS is committed to providing direction, service, and support to the membership in their efforts to improve the quality of education and leadership in New York State schools. SAANYS is affiliated with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).

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