
Clarkson kicking off Comprehensive Plan with community survey

The Town of Clarkson invites all residents and stakeholders to kick off its Comprehensive Plan update by participating in a community survey. The survey will be open for responses until June 28, 2021, and can be accessed at

The town’s Comprehensive Plan is one of its most important documents. It identifies the community’s future vision, establishes policies and action items, and gives context to future decision-making on public and private investments. The Comprehensive Plan provides a framework for municipal budgeting, programming, and regulatory updates, while also establishing goals for future land use and development. Most importantly, the Comprehensive Plan identifies implementation strategies to help Clarkson achieve its future vision.

Over time, shifts in community preferences, resident needs, local markets, demographics, and trends drive the need to revisit local community planning initiatives. Clarkson’s current Comprehensive Plan, adopted over a decade ago in 2005, has fallen out of sync with the present-day needs and goals of the Clarkson community. Recognizing the benefits of updating the Comprehensive Plan to better inform future investment and development, the town has hired a team of planning professionals from Barton & Loguidice to lead the update process. The intent is to develop an updated Comprehensive Plan that is in alignment with the Clarkson community’s current conditions and vision.

All residents, business and property owners, community leaders, and individuals with an interest in the future of the Town of Clarkson are encouraged to participate in the community survey, sharing thoughts to help leaders develop a plan that will serve to shape the Clarkson community for the next decade. The input is essential to directing this Comprehensive Plan and ensuring the new plan reflects Clarkson’s current vision and values.

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