CCE-Monroe offers hands-on activities and learning at The International Plaza

The International Plaza, a joint effort between the City of Rochester and Ibero American Development Corporation, is a Latin-themed event space and marketplace located at 828 North Clinton Avenue, Rochester. It features a variety of vendors and vending options, ranging from pop-up tents and carts to more permanent locations housed in retail kiosks, a performance pavilion, dedicated restrooms and a service/storage building. The International Plaza provides a community gathering space to celebrate and build on the arts and cultural assets of the surrounding neighborhood and a spot where local entrepreneurs and existing businesses can locate and sell their products and services in a low risk, low cost, flexible environment that is an incubator for neighborhood economic development.
Market Days at The International Plaza bring affordable opportunities for NYS farmers, local and new entrepreneurs, and established businesses looking to expand. Vendors can connect to new markets potentially increasing their profits. Market Days are Thursdays, 5 to 8 p.m., and Sundays, 1 to 5 p.m.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County 4-H Youth Development will be on hand with several community partners for Youth and Family Day at The Market on Sunday, June 13. The event will feature The Eastman School of Music “JapKam Duo” and Matt Seidel. The organization is excited to offer several educational opportunities in collaboration with the International Plaza coordinators. Youth will enjoy a “Dairy Farming in a Glove” activity with the 4-H team and have an opportunity to meet the Monroe County Dairy Princess Court and a live calf. A 4-H family will be bringing their guinea pigs for a meet and greet. Youth will be offering a hands-on Seed Ball creation. Families will have the opportunity to learn about pollinators and create a decorative beehive.
The Monroe County 4-H Program is offered through Cornell Cooperative Extension to the youth of Monroe County. To learn more about 4-H programs, visit
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