Mobile DMV Offices

As we passed the one-year mark of the first case of COVID-19 in Monroe County back in March, the adjustments and changes we have seen in our daily lives continue to be apparent. So many of these changes have been made in the name of public health and the decisions leading to closures, at-home policies, and capacity restrictions have certainly not been easy. Recognizing the integral role the County Clerk’s Office has in the lives of all Monroe County residents, I am grateful for the hardworking Clerk’s Office employees and the services provided by the County Clerk’s office through these difficult times.
Unfortunately, I am disheartened to know that the Mobile DMV program has no clear plan to restart. I have been contacted by several residents in our community who are disappointed that Mobile DMV services have not yet returned. As you know, the Mobile DMV program adds greater accessibility for disabled and elderly residents who may be reluctant to travel farther from their homes. This is especially important for residents in our area. Based on the safety procedures being taken at the Downtown Office of the Monroe County Clerk, as well as all permanent DMV locations, I am confident that reopening Mobile DMVs could be done safely and with all Centers for Disease Control guidelines taken into account.
Beyond the important aspect of accessibility, Mobile DMVs bring in an impactful amount of revenue to the County Clerk’s Office each year. Monroe County receives 12.7 percent of the revenue generated from nearly all DMV transactions, the County receives very little of the DMV revenues generated online or none if a resident travels to a surrounding county to complete their DMV transaction. The Mobile DMV is crucial to retaining the level of revenue that our county accounts for each year.
Due to the incredible importance of the services provided by the County Clerk’s Office, I have urged our County Clerk via letter, press conference, and a face to face meeting over the last three months asking the County Clerk to reopen our Mobile DMV sites. Many Westside residents have waited weeks and even months because of lack of appointment availability, to then have to travel to the other side of the county to complete a simple transaction because this is where the first appointment was available to them. It is imperative for our rural communities to have access to these vital services. We need the County Clerk’s Office to seek out meaningful solutions to reopen the Mobile DMVs.
I will continue to advocate for the reopening of our Mobile DMVs and if you would like to as well, send your letters to Jamie Romeo, Monroe County Clerk, 39 West Main Street, Room 101, Rochester, NY 14614.
Jackie Smith
Monroe County Legislator District 2