Area youths recognized as Young Citizens of the Year

The Monroe County Young Citizen of the Year Awards recognize individuals who are role models in their community, make contributions to better their community, and have a strong desire to change the world. We are fortunate to have so many talented, generous, and innovative young people in our community. I am proud to announce many of them have been recognized by the Monroe County Legislature for their contributions.
Girl Scout Troop 60360 from Brockport had a group of eight who made it their mission to empower women in the community. Aurora Pardun, Indigo Pardun, Isabel Lesniak, Janessa Falkowski, Julia Kruger, Kyra Gleason, Mackenzie Monnier, and Stephanie Maar analyzed how women were portrayed and valued in broadcast, print, and streaming media. The group then worked in two locations, creating and installing graphic art with positive and encouraging quotes, working on two murals. If you have a chance, check out their work at the Sweden/Clarkson Recreation Center.
Issac Trost from Boy Scout Troop 275 of Brockport worked with the Sweden/Clarkson Recreation Center Director to create a centralized kiosk for the Sweden Town Park. Issac built the kiosk to house the maps out of the elements, allowing visitors to safely navigate the park. As you enter Sweden Town Park, you can see Issac’s craftsmanship work on your left-hand side, next to the first parking lot.
Alexander James Bieler from Boy Scout Troop 324 of Hamlin designed, developed, and coded the app “Scouting Around Clarkson.” It is an interactive walking tour and scavenger hunt of Clarkson, NY. Stop in to the Clarkson Town Hall to pick up a QR code card for the interactive walking tour and scavenger hunt
Alison Cring from Hamlin has been an exceptional role model to all she encounters. During the busy school year, Alison took time to assist teachers and students, as well as coach soccer and referee.
Each of them is a role model for our entire community and a truly deserving recipient of this high honor. Monroe County is grateful and will continue to benefit from each of them and their leadership, selflessness, and positive example for all.
Jackie Smith
County Legislator District 2