
Town of Sweden Happenings

Sweden grants firefighters exemption, forms needed by March 1

Following a February 22 public hearing, the Town of Sweden adopted a volunteer firefighter/ambulance personnel property tax exemption. The new exemption reduces an eligible property’s assessment by 10% for Sweden Town taxes. There was a quick turn around time between NYS allowing local municipalities to adopt the exemption and being able to put it in place by taxable status day which is March 1. Eligible firefighters and ambulance personnel must fill out a form with the Sweden assessor by March 1 in order to qualify for the exemption on the next round of property tax bills.
The Sweden assessor administers exemptions not only for the Town of Sweden, but also Monroe County, the Brockport School District, the Village of Brockport, and the Brockport Fire District. One exemption form filed with the Sweden assessor will suffice for each of these taxing authorities if they adopt the exemption. At press time, the county, village, and fire district had also adopted the exemption. The school district has a public hearing scheduled for February 28. For information, contact the Sweden assessor at 637-8683.
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Sweden obtains Gary Drive easements

The Town of Sweden has obtained the easements necessary to connect the end of Gary Drive to Brockport Spencerport Road (Route 31). The easements were filed in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office on February 22. The Sweden Highway Department will start construction in the next week or so, as weather permits. Sweden will construct the road up to the NYS DOT right-of-way at which point the state will take over connecting Gary Drive to Route 31. The state is expected to complete its part of the project in 2023.
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