CCE of Monroe County hosting workshop on growing microgreens
Microgreens represent a rapidly growing segment of the food industry, and they require only a small production area. Compared to other crops they mature fast and can be harvested soon after seeding. Further, they can be grown year-round and provide farmers with income out of season.
These small edible plants can be also very profitable. While the startup costs are low, microgreens sell for high prices to top restaurants and food stores. Restaurant chefs use them to add interesting flavors, colors, and creative presentations to their dishes and, since they are a niche product, local producers can charge a premium for them.
To help growers become more proficient at microgreen production, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County is hosting a “Growing Microgreens Commercially” workshop intended for:
•Farmers who are interested in season extension in their indoor and greenhouse spaces
•Established microgreen growers who want to learn about the latest technologies (growing media, lighting, new seed lines, etc.)
•Small-scale food processors who want to expand their business or start a new one
•Urban setting growers.
Pest and disease control, food safety, and best growing practices will be covered. Business planning for microgreen growing will also be discussed.
Speakers at the workshop from Cornell Vegetable Program, Johnny’s Selected Seeds, the University of Rochester, and SCORE will share their expertise and the workshop will conclude with a Q&A panel session.
This workshop is for those who are considering embarking on a new enterprise growing microgreens or expanding their existing business. Farmers, and current and aspiring food entrepreneurs are encouraged to attend.
The fee is $20 per person. For information or to register, visit
For questions and more details, contact Jarmila Haseler, Agriculture and Food System Educator, CCE of Monroe County at
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