
Spencerport Rotary gets cookin’

The Spencerport Rotary Club has been cookin’ up a storm in recent weeks. 

The club serves breakfast to over 50 people at the Open Door Mission in downtown Rochester almost every month. One Rotarian volunteers to purchase all the groceries needed for the breakfast, one volunteers to shop, and four to five volunteer to cook. Volunteers must be willing to be early risers as cooking starts at 6 a.m.

The club then held their first successful drive thru Beef on Weck fundraiser. Online ticket purchases were offered for the first time, and proved successful. This online effort was headed up by Rotarians Dave DeMers and Stu McFarlane.

Rotarians Cynthia Harding and Colleen Farley also lined up 18 business sponsors, who purchased advance tickets in exchange for promotion at the event, online, and in local media. The sponsors were Feltner Insurance, Slayton Place Restaurant, Brodner Equipment, Budget Blinds, Cellura Dental, McColley’s, Serenity Hair Studio, Spencerport Insurance, Spencerport Neighbors, State Farm, Towne and Country Eye Care, Afrikamba Gifts, Foster’s Restaurant, Fowler’s Wine and Spirits, Hilton Family Pharmacy, Spencerport Apothecary, Spencerport Chiropractor, and Brightly’s Farm Market.

Also a big help at the fundraiser were the many high school students who donated their time, to take orders and deliver meals to the cars driving through. 

For information on how to join Rotary as part of their community service projects, contact Colleen Farley at 585-489-0333 or email

Provided information and photos

Pictured at the last Open Door Mission breakfast are Rotarians Dave DeMers, Courtney Converse, Kristen Swann, and Kathy Magin, plus Kathy’s friend Yen Doan helping out.

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