
Participants needed for The Great American “Poppy-Off”

The Ferris Goodridge American Legion Family is holding a fundraiser on Saturday, May 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Post, 691 Trimmer Road, Spencerpoort. Called The Great American “Poppy-Off,” the event will be a team challenge.

The Legion Family is looking for 10 or more teams, consisting of three to four people each, to compete in this event. Teams will be divided into pairs. Each of the teams within a pair will compete against each other to see who can call the most people to come drop off donations of canned goods for the Spencerport Food Shelf and money for the Poppy Fund.

A team can be made up of coworkers, neighbors, fellow Legionnaires, Auxiliary members, members of the Sons of the American Legion (SAL), family members, friends, etc. Get a team together, think of a name, and register the team at the Legion before the morning of May 21. Sign up sheets will be available at the bar; each member of the team should be listed under the team’s name.

At the end of the event (3 p.m.), the team who brings in the most donations will win a prize.

Those interested are encouraged to gather their phone lists, bring a charged cell phone, a charger, and be prepared to have some fun, while contributing to two worthy causes. Team members can also contribute donations. 

All donations collected will support the Spencerport Food Shelf and the Poppy Fund in support of veterans and their families.

For information, call 352-6691.

Provided information

Judy Lockwood
Kalayh Lawhorn

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