Legion Family helping to make a difference

Ferris-Goodridge American Legion Post #330 in Spencerport recently held two events that made a difference in the community.
The first was a blood drive held March 2 during which 42 units of blood were collected. The donated blood went to the following locations: Strong Memorial Hospital, Glens Falls Hospital, Rochester General Hospital, Albany Medical Center Hospital, Sisters of Charity St. Joseph Campus, and the University of Maryland. All are encouraged to roll up their sleeves to help others at the next blood drive scheduled to be held at the Post on Wednesday, June 29.
The second event was a school supplies challenge between the New York and North Caroline Auxiliary members. New York won the event, but the real winners were the students at Munn Elementary, Terry Taylor Elementary, St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, Joseph C. Wilson Foundation, and John James Audubon School. After the April 15 collection deadline, supplies were given to the schools.
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