DOT breaks ground on $400,000 resiliency project in Parma

On June 8, New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez announced the start of construction of a $400,000 resiliency project, the first of three projects to help mitigate flooding in the town of Parma through the State’s Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI). During high water events, roadways adjacent to Lake Ontario become flooded and impassable, resulting in a public safety hazard. This project seeks to mitigate future flooding to the roadway through improvements to the town’s stormwater infrastructure. The completed project will allow for safe, uninterrupted passage of travelers and emergency personnel.
State Department of Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez said, “Like so many lakefront communities, the Town of Parma has been no stranger to extreme flooding events caused by the rising waters of Lake Ontario. Working with our state and local partners, the New York State Department of Transportation has already helped execute a number of projects that will have lasting and positive impacts on Lake Ontario communities. These efforts continue with this project in the Town of Parma, with our ultimate goal of keeping local roads safe and passable for residents and emergency services staff. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but one project at a time, the REDI Commission is making a real difference in the lives of New Yorkers.”
Town of Parma Supervisor James Roose said, “Through REDI, the State is assisting the town of Parma in preparedness for future flooding events. These critical projects will help to mitigate the devastating effects of high-water events, safeguarding our infrastructure and protecting our residents. We are thankful to the REDI Commission for the continued support.”
Proposed mitigation measures for this project include the installation of storm drainage check valves and sump pump structures at low lying, flood prone areas, allowing the town to drain water away from the roadway during high water events.
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello said, “The Shorelines Roads Storm Sewers project in the Town of Parma will ensure properties and roadways along 8,000 linear feet of lakefront are less vulnerable to flooding from Lake Ontario. Our residents along the lakefront incurred thousands of dollars of property damage from flooding in 2017 and 2019. This critical infrastructure project will mitigate that risk for decades to come, improve quality of life, protect our environment and save our taxpayers money. I thank New York State, the REDI commission and Governor Hochul for their investment in Monroe County.”
In response to the extended pattern of flooding along the shores of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River, New York State established REDI to increase the resilience of shoreline communities and bolster economic development in the region. Five REDI Regional Planning Committees, comprised of representatives from eight counties (Niagara and Orleans, Monroe, Wayne, Cayuga and Oswego, and Jefferson and St. Lawrence) were established to identify local priorities, at-risk infrastructure and other assets, and public safety concerns. Through REDI, the State has committed up to $300 million, to benefit communities and improve resiliency in flood prone regions along Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.
For additional information, project profiles and REDI news, visit
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