Ferris Goodridge Legion helps local veteran

Ferris Goodridge Unit #330 was able to help veteran David Baun, who served as a National Guard Reservist for 12 years. He served stateside due to issues with hearing. He presently wears a deaf waves hearing aid. He and his wife, Paula, were presented with a check for $500 to help with some unpaid bills for rent, medical, and food. This donation was made possible through money collected during the month of May, when poppies are available for donations and distribution. David and Paula live in Hilton and he is presently the Commander of Hiscock Fishbaugh American Legion Post #788. Pictured are (l-r) neighbor Mary Hall, veteran David Baun, Paula Baun, and Jane Decker, Treasurer of Ferris-Goodridge Auxiliary Unit #330.
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