Knights present chalices

For the first time in two years, the Spencerport Knights of Columbus were able to hold their Religious Appreciation Night on June 30. The event was canceled the previous two years due to the Covid pandemic. This year the St. John the XXIII council and the St. Joseph Assembly, both located at St. John the Evangelist Church in Spencerport, were able to host their dinner. The Council and Assembly covers most of north western Monroe County which includes Spencerport, Brockport, parts of Chili, Gates, and Churchville.
The dinner was held at The Sweet Briar Inn on Ridgeway Avenue. The most Reverend Salvatore Matano, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Dioceses of Rochester, was the special guest for the evening. The Knights honored 19 Priests and Religious Sisters/Nuns with dinner and a social hour. After the dinner, a special presentation was made by the St. Joseph Assembly to then Deacon Aaron Kelly who was ordained to the Priesthood on Saturday, July 2, and to Father Sriram Sadhanala. The Knights presented Deacon Kelly and Father Sadhanala with their Chalices and Patens which they will use to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Inscribed on the chalices are the names of deceased members of the St. Joseph Assembly. Every time the priest says Mass with these chalices the men whose names are inscribed on them will be remembered in that Mass.
Father Aaron Kelly was born in Elmira and is 27 years old. He is currently a member of St. Mary Our Mother parish in Horseheads, but with previous connections to other Southern Tier parishes. Father Kelly attended Cathedral Seminary taking his degree from St. John’s University in New York, followed by Theological College, Basselin program at Catholic University in Washington, DC, and then the Pontifical North American College in Rome. Fr. Kelly is returning to Rome in September to complete his Licentiate in canon law at the Gregorian University. Throughout his seminary years he has had parish ministry assignments, including summer assignments at St. Jerome’s in East Rochester and currently at Peace of Christ parish in Rochester.
Father Sriram Sadhanala was born in India and is 38 years old. Father was ordained to the priesthood 12 years ago. Father Sadhanala is a member of the Heralds of Good News, a Missionary Society founded in India. He has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy, served in two seminaries in both administration and also on the teaching faculty. Father Sadhanala came to our Diocese in 2019 at the invitation of Bishop Matano. First assigned to Assumption and Resurrection parishes in Fairport, Father is presently assigned to St. Joseph in Penfield and Holy Spirit in Webster. Father will be able to retain his chalice when he returns to India.
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