
Farmers are Superheroes!

When two big male goats, with large horns, wandered onto our property on August 6, we had no idea what to do! Currently, we have no pets, and our animal experience is limited to cats and dogs; not farm animals. We reached out to several state and local agencies, with little or no help offered, unless we could pen the goats. 

How are ordinary citizens, with no farm experience or equipment, supposed to pen two large male goats that do not want to be captured? They liked it at our property, and they were staying! Spending nights sleeping on our front porch and days nibbling on the bushes that surround our yard, they were content. Over the next eight days, there were multiple phone calls, texts, and social media postings. There were three failed rescue attempts, a temporary pen delivered and assembled, goat feed purchased, a horse trailer delivered (positioned by the pen) – all of which led to the final rescue attempt. Who came to help us? Farmers! Farmers came every day that week, from down the road, across town, and two from near Cooperstown, NY. 

On Saturday, August 13, after more than six hours that involved running through the woods, reconfiguring the temporary pen several times, having nanny goats as bait, several near captures, some bumps and bruises, the goats – referred to now as Billy and Bob – were both in the horse trailer! These goats clearly had not been properly cared for and did not trust humans. Billy and Bob left our property late that night, in good caring hands, traveling to their forever farm, near Cooperstown. 

We found out in this process that Farmers are Superheroes! If you need help, they will be there. Sharing this story is important for us to show our appreciation to the farmers that helped us, because they care about the animals and their neighbors. 

Susan Smith

It took a week, and the considerable efforts of many – including helpful farmers from near and far – for Billy and Bob to be wrangled and on their way to their forever farm in Cooperstown. Provided photo

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